This is a collection of computational models of neurons and nervous systems.

Simplified models

These models are Java implementations of models created by Ronald J. Macgregor and described in his book Neural and Brain Modeling (Academic Press, 1987). Dr. Macgregor wrote his programs in Fortran and ran them on mainframe computers of the 60's and 70's. In order to be able to model large numbers of neurons without unduly prolonged CPU usage, his models of single neurons are very simple. Nevertheless, they capture much of the "essence" of single neuronal responsiveness.

Models of single neurons

model tracingPoint neuron (Ptnrn10)

model tracingPoint neuron with point dendrite (Ptnrn20)

model tracingPoint neuron with spontanous synaptic activity (Ptnrn11)

Models of small networks of neurons

model tracingNetwork of three point neurons (Pool10)

model tracingNetwork of three point neurons with more realistic synapses

Realistic models

This is the Hodgkin-Huxley axon model. Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley devised this model in the early 1950's using voltage clamp data obtained from the giant axon of the squid. It very successfully models many of the features of the axonal membrane, including action potential firing, action potential shape, refractory period, and anode break firing.

model tracingHodgkin-Huxley model

Last revised 6/29/2004
M. Steven Evans [ mail | home page ]