Steve Evans' page





This page is a guide to
Last revised 13 Sept 2013.


Other pages

Art gallery A collection of nature photography and poetry (very old now).
Epilepsy page Tools, forms, and information about epilepsy.
Steve's vita Steve's curriculum vitae.
CNS infections Review of infections of the central nervous system for medical students.
Human Research Materials for investigators or research subjects doing human research.
Cellular Automata Why Cellular Automata can be like a simple brain (Java applets).
Neural Models page Some computational models of neurons (Java applets).
Normal Neuro Exam
The standard neurological exam.
PubMed Browser info. What is PubMed Browser good for?
PubMed Browser 2.1 PubMed Browser
ICD-9-CM 2005 ICD-9 diagnoses, codes, and coding helper.



UofL Neurology University of Louisville Department of Neurology home page.
UofL Epilepsy University of Louisville Epilepsy Division page
UofL Neurology Links Neurology Billing Assistant and other links.
SIU Neurology Southern Illinois University Department of Neurology home page.
Jennifer's page My wife Jennifer's page.
Neuropathology blog Dr. Brian Moore's Neuropathology blog.



email If you have suggestions, please send an email to me.

All materials in this site are copyright © 1998-2013 by M.S. Evans.

All Rights Reserved